Soft and Play Prosthetic Recipes
Quick Guide:
Granny briefly explains the 'feel'/recipes for each prosthetic.
Soft Packer (including STP) Recipes Visualized
Hard Packer Recipes Visualized
Packers come in 3 recipes (sometimes referred to as "formulas"): Basic+, F3OG, and F3+.
Basic plus is a super soft single density (aka "single pour") packer
F3OG is dual density, and F3+ is tri density. Grannys most popular recipe is
F3+ is Gramma's best selling recipe, which has a "core," and is a big staple in making Gramma's Sausages unique. This line is the closest to a flaccid cis penis Granny ever felt (with skin safe, silicone only blends).
[[STPs are essentially a "Basic" with a hole through the shaft and F3 Scrotum (plus or minus testes). The Spouti feels a bit like an "inner core," but harder than the F3+ core. Keep in mind that the Spouti being more rigid will make certain models stick out more than the other formulas]]
See below for diagrams (STPs included as a 'fourth' recipe)
Granny's Recipes:
Choose between Basic, STP, F3OG, F3+ as options for our made-to-order Luxury packers.